

Sangiovese is a 73 square meter large apartment with two bedrooms, a shower bath, a large kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a utility room, as well as two private seating areas.

What initially was the stable was later converted to the wine cellar, in which nowadays the spacious living room is situated. In its center is a gas oven that allows a view of the fire. From here one also has access to the south-facing shared patio and to the separate kitchen as well as the sleeping wing. The kitchen additionally has a microwave with grill function. Through the kitchen there is access to a private patio with views of the Sangiovese grapes vineyard, as well as to a small dining room with a leveled balcony. In the sleeping wing two bedrooms as well as a bathroom and a utility room are located. The rear bedroom is furnished with a 1,80 by 2 m large double bed. The smaller front bedroom is furnished with a 1,60 by 2 m large double bed.

Il Poggiolo s.r.l. | Località Casini 68/70 | 50068 Rufina (Fi) Italia | |